MRTS Consulting completed a short research project in Q2 of 2022 to explore electronic and paper-based media usage amongst just over 1000 Cambodian millennials. Implemented via an online survey, the research examined usage patterns for 5 types of media: Based on over 1000 survey responses, our research found that news and current affairs are most […]
Social media was rated by 61% of those participated in the poll this week as their most preferred source of being aware of a product in the Cambodia market. TV becomes the second place rated by 21% of the respondents only. The other sources are at 4-5% of people rated for. The table below presents[…..]
YouTube remains the leading social media app for video content followed closely by Facebook. Tiktok comes in the 3rd position. It will be interesting to see the movement of Tiktok in the next few years in Cambodia. Instagram has a very small share in the pie. The table below presents a detailed result: Answer Count[…..]
About 34% of people in MRTS SURVEY online panel reported that they eat out with their family almost everyday. This indicates that the lifestyle of some people are back to the normal where they don’t have much fear of eating out although they know that there are new cases of infected people found every day[…..]
According to our latest poll conducted in Jul 2022, we saw over 80% of people ever order their food via food delivery service apps. About 53% of those people are ordering at least 4 times a week via this platform. There are only 17% reported that they never order or rarely use the food delivery[…..]
Facebook remains the most popular social media app in Cambodia for many years now amongst all classes of people. TikTok is gaining its popularity very quickly and now has become the number 2. Instagram is in 3rd position but has a far lower percentage of users if compared to Facebook and IG. The other apps have[…..]
In this week’s Poll result, we found that 39% of people participated spend at least 2 hours with their smartphone after school or work. Amongst those, we saw 62% spend more than 3 hours which is a surprise because it indicates that the smartphone consumes more than 50% of their free time already. The smartphone[…..]