Q&A about Market Research with Mr. Phoung Vuthy

1, Could you please give me an overview of market research industry in Cambodia recently? How did they do market research before establishing businesses? The concept of marketing research is still fairly new to the Cambodia market, and I think there are not many professional market research companies in Cambodia as well so far. However, […]

Market Research for Small Business

By Mr. Phoung Vuthy, Managing Director & Trainer of MRTS Consulting Ltd Small business is the heart for any developing country. It is easy to start but it is hard to keep business healthy and stay long in the market if it is not started properly with a clear marketing and financial strategy. As our experiences[…..]

Data collection method in research

The  best  way  to  collect  information  is  simply  to  ask questions. However, there  are  a number  of  ways  this can  be done to collect the information and this would depend on the objectives, timeline and budget of the project as well. For  an  interviewer  (the person who asks the questions) you will be involved in[…..]

Different types of surveys carried out in market research

There are many different types of surveys carried out in market research based on the needs and issues of each business. Although from an interviews point of view one type is very much like another, various terms are often used and we think it will be useful for you to understand these.   1.  PRODUCT[…..]

Marketing in the 22nd Century: 5 Common Mistakes Companies Make

Meredith Munger Guest blogger- Phoenix Business Journal Every company needs a marketing strategy that flows into their larger business plan, yet it takes a little thought and time to put it all together. Unless you have a compelling reason such as launching a new company or product, the best time to start the brainstorming process[…..]

The Marketing Coach: How to create your annual marketing strategy

Meredith Munger Guest blogger- Phoenix Business Journal Every company needs a marketing strategy that flows into their larger business plan, yet it takes a little thought and time to put it all together. Unless you have a compelling reason such as launching a new company or product, the best time to start the brainstorming process[…..]

Three Skills for a Market Research Analyst

This post was inspired by a quick browse of the Market Research Quora topic: what are the three most important skills for a market research analyst? We asked our Research team (analyst Andrea and manager Heather) what they thought. Here were their top three skills of a successful market research analyst: Attention to detail This[…..]