Mass Marketing vs. Strategic Marketing

By Brandon Stuerke  February 27, 2012 If your inbox is anything like mine, no doubt it’s filled with the latest and greatest prospecting and marketing ideas. I could easily fill a 40-hour work week if all I did was take the time to read through all of the material various marketing companies send me each […]

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Whether you’re selling hot dogs or insurance, keeping your customers satisfied is essential to the survival and success of your business. Let’s take a broad look at this topic and then consider some specific aspects of customer satisfaction that you should probably be measuring. Beyond Smiley Faces Broadly defined, customer satisfaction is a measurement of[…..]

How to Measure and Manage Customer Satisfaction

By David Fregosi As a business owner or manager for a company, customer satisfaction is an important part of your job. Of course, ensuring a great experience for all clients or customers is a goal shared by all of your employees, but as the manager in charge it is primarily your job to measure your[…..]

5 Steps to Improving your Customer Satisfaction

There are many steps you can take to improve your customers’ satisfaction, and therefore, customer loyalty. I wanted to share my top five favorite tips with you today. Answer every question.  Customers may have a seemingly endless amount of questions, but you need to answer every single one with a smile. This will help improve[…..]

Five Tips for Better Text-Message Marketing

Connecting with consumers when they’re on the go is more important than ever, and text message marketing (also referred to as SMS, or short message service marketing) can be a highly effective technique. But the proliferation of mobile devices doesn’t guarantee marketing success. If your pitches don’t resonate with consumers and motivate them to act,[…..]

Top 7 Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make

As a small business, your website is a vital piece of your marketing and branding efforts. Visitors are coming to your website for a specific reason, and you want to ensure that you answer their questions and use your website to sell your product or service. If you get your website designed wrong, you can[…..]

How to Do Market Research for Your Project

Every wise company makes the move of conducting market research for their products and/or services so as to better position themselves to take advantage of the market. The tips and tools that the company employs as a part of their marketing research, and how they administer these tools is what will determine the effectiveness of[…..]