Primary research is a method of collecting data directly from the source, rather than relying on data collected from previous research. Primary research can help you obtain accurate, relevant, and timely information that can address your specific research questions or objectives. However, conducting primary research can also be challenging, costly, and time-consuming, especially if you do not have the expertise, resources, or tools to design, implement, and analyze your data collection process.
That is why you may need the help of a professional market research company that can provide you with reliable, stable, and cost-effective tracking primary research data. One such company is MRTS Consulting Ltd., a leading market research and consulting firm based in Cambodia. MRTS Consulting Ltd. has over 10 years of experience in conducting various types of primary research for local and international clients across different sectors and industries. MRTS Consulting Ltd. offers a range of services and solutions that can help you collect high-quality tracking primary research data that can meet your needs and expectations.
What is Tracking Primary Research Data?
Tracking primary research data is a type of longitudinal data that is collected repeatedly over time from the same sample or population. Tracking primary research data can help you monitor changes, trends, patterns, or relationships in your target market or audience. Tracking primary research data can also help you evaluate the impact, effectiveness, or satisfaction of your products, services, campaigns, or interventions.
For example, if you want to measure the brand awareness, perception, or loyalty of your customers over time, you can conduct a tracking survey that asks the same questions to the same respondents at regular intervals. This way, you can track how your customers’ opinions or behaviors change over time in response to your marketing efforts or external factors.
Why Do You Need Reliable, Stable, and Cost-Effective Tracking Primary Research Data?
Collecting reliable, stable, and cost-effective tracking primary research data is essential for your business success and growth. Here are some of the benefits of collecting such data:
- Reliable: Reliable tracking primary research data means that the data is accurate, valid, and consistent. It means that the data reflects the true state or condition of your target market or audience, and that it can be replicated or reproduced by other researchers or methods. Reliable tracking primary research data can help you make informed and confident decisions based on factual and credible information.
- Stable: Stable tracking primary research data means that the data is not affected by random errors, biases, or fluctuations. It means that the data is stable and predictable over time, and that it can be compared or contrasted across different periods or groups. Stable tracking primary research data can help you identify and explain the causes and effects of changes, trends, patterns, or relationships in your target market or audience.
- Cost-effective: Cost-effective tracking primary research data means that the data is collected in a way that minimizes the costs, risks, and efforts involved in the data collection process. It means that the data is collected using efficient, appropriate, and affordable methods, tools, and resources. Cost-effective tracking primary research data can help you optimize your budget, time, and resources, and maximize your return on investment (ROI).
How Can MRTS Consulting Ltd. Help You Collect Reliable, Stable, and Cost-Effective Tracking Primary Research Data?
MRTS Consulting Ltd. can help you collect reliable, stable, and cost-effective tracking primary research data by providing you with the following services and solutions:
- Design: MRTS Consulting Ltd. can help you design your tracking primary research project by defining your research objectives, questions, hypotheses, indicators, and variables. MRTS Consulting Ltd. can also help you select the most suitable type of tracking primary research method for your project, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments, or tests. MRTS Consulting Ltd. can also help you design your sampling strategy and determine your sample size and composition.
- Implementation: MRTS Consulting Ltd. can help you implement your tracking primary research project by conducting your data collection process using various modes and channels, such as face-to-face, telephone, online, mobile, or mail. MRTS Consulting Ltd. has a team of trained and experienced field researchers who can collect your data in a professional and ethical manner. MRTS Consulting Ltd. also has access to various databases and panels that can provide you with a representative and diverse sample of respondents.
- Analysis: MRTS Consulting Ltd. can help you analyze your tracking primary research data by using various statistical techniques and software tools to process, clean, organize, summarize, and interpret your data. MRTS Consulting Ltd. can also help you perform various types of analysis, such as descriptive, inferential, comparative, correlational, regression, or multivariate analysis. MRTS Consulting Ltd. can also help you test your hypotheses, measure your indicators, and evaluate your outcomes.
- Reporting: MRTS Consulting Ltd. can help you report your tracking primary research data by creating and presenting your data in various formats and styles, such as tables, charts, graphs, maps, dashboards, or infographics. MRTS Consulting Ltd. can also help you write and deliver your data in various types of reports, such as executive summaries, technical reports, analytical reports, or recommendations reports. MRTS Consulting Ltd. can also help you communicate and disseminate your data to various audiences and stakeholders, such as clients, partners, investors, or policymakers.
If you are interested in collecting reliable, stable, and cost-effective tracking primary research data with MRTS Consulting Ltd., you can contact us through the email: