Q&A About Mystery Shoppers And Mystery Shopping

A mystery shopper is a paid consumer who is hired to shop in stores and collect data. Think of mystery shoppers as “undercover customers” sent in to observe, interact, and report on other customers and store employees. Mystery shoppers are typically employed by a third-party rather than the store or company itself. Where Are Mystery Shoppers Sent? […]

Industry Experts join MRTS Consulting Advisory Services in Cambodia

MRTS Consulting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia is happy to announce a new collaboration with two new industry experts to assist in its endeavors of offering a wide scope of consulting services in Cambodia. These new additions to our service offering underline our efforts to consistently offer best practices and knowhow by providing services based on[…..]

11 tips for running effective qualitative research interviews

You could say that there are two types of research — when the researcher is present and is able to steer the conversation (e.g. an in-depth interview), and when she is absent and isn’t interacting with the participant (e.g. a survey). Writing good survey questions is a whole topic of its own, but interviewing people[…..]

Avoid interviewer bias

“You can’t just ask the right questions. You have to HEAR the  right answers.” Professional market research is less developed in Cambodia than in most Western and larger Asian advanced countries. It has really only been about 20-25 years that professional, more sophisticated marketing and research techniques have been being used. For comparison, in the[…..]

What is Mystery Shopping?

The term Mystery Shopping is not often heard amongst business or marketing people in Cambodia. By the definition given by Market Research Society (MRS), it is the use of individuals who are trained to be mystery shoppers. They go to experience and measure the customer service, by acting as potential customers and reporting back on[…..]

7 Reasons Why You Need Market Research

Conducting market research on a regular basis is more important than ever if businesses want to keep up with current market trends and maintain their competitive edge. Because today’s market trends are constantly shifting and changing. Whether you are starting a new business or expanding, conducting market research is imperative to understanding your target market,[…..]

Why is Market Research an Investment?

In my research experience from 2006 in Cambodia, I met a lot of local business owners and marketing managers to talk about their research needs. Many times, I heard them say they don’t have a lot of budget, or even do not have any budget at all. Sometimes, I was asked to submit a proposal[…..]